It was no real intention. But before going to visit Kassel’s “Dokumenta” in June 2012, a funny five-finger strawberry rebelled in a whole basket of well smelling companians. She/he wanted to accompany me, and I gave permission, as I wanted to eat „it“ during the trip.
Walking through the exhibition halls, he/she jumped out of my pocket in different art-works without asking me or security gards whether allowed to do so. Me, the artist, shocked but also amused, shot photos, knowing well, that representation of such collages could create some problems with copy-rights. But something also reminded me that this kind of inventive adaptation in a creative process will not forcedly be an art-criminal act…
Back in Berlin, the collage was completed and printed. It has been seen in the kitchen by a funny carrot that also was proud of its unusual form. I was on my way to visit the second edition of “Made in Germany” in Hannover. He (not she) insisted to accompany me. Well knowing what could happen, also the carrot jumped into art-works. The artist again could not resist in order to take pictures and complete a second collage.
Two collages, why not 12 ? – as the artist likes to work in series of 12 different prints. YES: the new project has started and should be completed by 2013. Artful designed fruits and vegetables should be created by nature in the mean-time and will be invited to present themselves in order to participate in the project.